Sunday, September 15, 2024

could just call this blind government saga what exactly

[think it needs a few changes.]

high standards | 17:06.7 - 18:04.1

based on | 1:12.0 - 1:45.0

oh no | 11:02.6 - 12:02.6

a whole shot | 16:03.3 - 17:03.3

poverty smack down | 8:50.8 - 9:50.8

none of them | 0:00.7 - 1:00.7

do remember | 19:23.1 - 20:23.1

going on | 7:08.3 - 8:02.5

light and fluffy | 6:39.4 - 7:36.1

nothing says safety | 0:13.0 - 1:13.0

a year and a half | 0:17.6 - 1:17.6

the best part of america's epidemic, our part of a global pandemic, was when it ended and you stopped pretending to be a shut-in.  don't miss the emergency a bit.