Friday, March 07, 2025

Thursday, February 27, 2025

meet you | 2:19.3 - 3:19.3

wondering about

remembering the fourteenth and fifteenth of our nation's legislative and required process

fed up | 0:57.7 - 1:56.8


is it | 2:25.7 -> 15.0 seconds


trying to convince you | 5:39.1 - 6:15.7


what's coming next | 3:00.5 ->


oh, i see | 0:04.6 - 0:37.6


related counterfeits | 6:34.0 ->

as explained in the description of the video below, this wasn't in the theatrical version?

life's little ironies | 3:56.6 - 4:55.6


situation worsened | 2:57.3 - 3:57.3

those days | -> 0:38.5


like, somewhere | 2:24.7 - 3:24.7


experiment that may well | 1:10.9 - 1:58.5


ignore that | 10:41.0 - 11:17.7



[would have been twelve and may be.  today this is ten.]

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

thought i'd actually allow myself to structure one of these a bit by taking notes, thinking about it, and then posting.

what do i think about when i see people who go on television, as either officials (elected and appointed) or as politically minded when they start to proudly announce their disinterest in providing government as a resource.

often they start talking about their support for actions that are openly harmful as well.
sometimes they only imply their intent to cause harm to others and often they seem to want respect for harm that has already occurred.  most often though, they are simply dismissive of ongoing harm.
not seeing equal rights as a basis for laws in our country doesn't allow for legal recourse to address concerns providing redress of grievances peaceably as a resource for our home.

[if they have any right to privacy, would you care to hear what i imagine they'd say just about how they didn't understand that note before i posted it?  i do have a guess as to what it might sound like.]

my computer is fine for now.  i don't feel compromised, only annoyed by a likely investigation without evidence to support it.  my printer/scanner however, seems to have encouraged some very foolish people.  i've been posting music for over twenty years.  think that the dishonesty isn't obvious everywhere it's public?  can't help thinking about it sometimes.  mostly i just accept that it's not my responsibility to address it.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

yeah, i quit for a bit

Vocaroo | unclear bubble's lour <- download from Vocaroo

oh, i get two whole choices of phone whose businesses both won't ever be honest or interested in vaguely trying to innovate.  they both treat actual employees like shit.  degree farm farmville too, just like the fucking hideous democrats and republicans.  where can i sign you up?

needlessly cut | 3:42.6 - 4:36.1


our congress hasn't funded our country's immigration process for how long?  now you want to blame who for what?  misappropriating funds for political purposes isn't less of a felony because you fail to consider rights are available to guests in our country.  you should fund sensibly considering the extraordinarily harsh consequences (over decades) of failing to do so.

seriously, "take my money" and "where do you sign"?  don't ask me to see the clips page, ask them.  i actually don't work for apple or google.  trump's nothing new.  what do you imagine the politically minded actually look like on a television?  probably looks better considering it than seeing nothing but this ignorant failure pile of uninteresting mess.

influences i ignore?  not really.  if i eventually want to innovate may leave the european twelve tone scale for a while.

24 views Jan 5, 2023 <- now 4 trillion plus for this horrid then and horrid now mess?

from gilliflower traipse 2023

"hope you had a triple a rated valentine's day"


i actually don't watch much television.  did read about the superbowl having been available on tubi.  think maybe their claimed 15.5 million views was considered part of nielsen claiming slightly under 130 million viewers?  about 10% plus or minus, may not be much small screen interest there.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Presidents' dictation? meh, could have been anyone willing to defraud. i do appreciate the free template and page here. am not too crazy about this text's color not being adjustable? would have bothered. didn't find and maybe i missed the setting, don't think so though. clicking here does use the default setting. this template might have been "in progress" when google bought blogger aka blogspot. almost have to wonder though, why they bothered. today the title font does change when going directly to the page's, specific address. don't really need access to the "title" section of this. also, the "body" section i have access to allows two spaces together or more, not here.


so?  is that extra liable for (if a) government supported misrepresentation -> ?  does that make it a more severe offense if a government or governments conspired to publicly defraud a person's work without reason, evidence, or anything credible?

wouldn't that also be a mistake?  wouldn't a responsible government be required to address evidentiary concerns to provide legal recourse?  sounds a bit lost?  maybe sounds a bit derelict?  wandering aimlessly doesn't sound like a good excuse for people entrusted with being a resource for people by people.  maybe it's the weather today.  i feel differently about how badly this could impact people just for failing to consider how public dishonesty might incur possibly unrelated damage to others.  irrationally tying one confessed crime to another feels directionless.  fraud plus fraud doesn't amount to zero fraud.

is the usage of those irresponsible mistakes by ineffective officials treatable as extortive leverage?  could any fraud claiming false authority then also be additionally liable?  even if dishonesty wasn't intended the usage of leverage raises concern.

would that extend to charges of extortion being brought regardless of the national origin of the leverage or threat of leverage or threat?  i do live in one of the countries that is legally capable of prosecuting internationally.  would any capable government be interested in even charging those claiming the imaginary authority of extorting the general public here?

not really considered authority absent responsibility and kind of reminds me to check where i am today.  wouldn't want to be against even my own interests.

does really have nothing to do with my producing or posting content.  may be wasting my time thinking about it again.  sounds like a hindrance for any platform online.

funnier to think about how you miss that last part completely today.  plan an executive "pay" raise, again?  please tell me more about your accomplishments.

america does also share the responsibility for prosecuting war crimes.  i don't think anyone charged with them could visit without going to court.  does a war criminal know that pardon authority might not exist there by treaty?  were they smart enough or are they dumb enough?  guess they could also move into the white house.

"- and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, -" then for everywhere else a senseless act of self interest still wouldn't be mercy from an executive.

national embassy part of their new plan?  can't reach the war criminal for comment?  seriously, this is below dull.


too many exceptions make for no rule.  thanks again to cornell law for making the internet a little more capable than news.  seen this before doesn't make it livable.

[democrats and republicans thinking they can "work" through this one.  it's a beautiful day here and a growing economy.  the news-> the democrats, and the republicans don't realize that they don't need the comic relief brought by smaller, private, political parties.  responsibilities are the same either way for each office without any affiliation to incur an easier lack of credibility.  if you're just going to keep it up, how is that worse.]


all you ever think about?  "who's in charge today."  makes no difference.  always feels pretty great to never have that.  you took what?  had to leave.  been back a while.  you really just plain couldn't manage.  feel the same myself.  won't miss it.  rather try to not.  just painful to see new, record setting pointlessness.  won't miss that either.  never was in charge.  who won't blame those.  without ever living here, you might.


so, anyway.  this still  (i know) isn't about me.  they don't do any of the work.  they rob the business owners of publicly and privately held businesses blind while being the most offensive, self important, and useless fools you've ever seen.  they are also the most uninteresting and uncreative people the world may ever see.  i am so happy with the idea of leaving it to late night and their continuing coverage of corporate and corporate style "executives".  <crowd roars>  let's not forget the often and regularly incomprehensible politically-minded.  <crowd roars>


yawn.  without further ado:

the reigning champion here of updated internet guides.  <crickets chirp>

bye for now

Saturday, February 15, 2025

here's two mp3s of a track i was working on yesterday.  i didn't include the second, but may post it later.

[noticing clicks?  those aren't all on the originals.  could be packet transmission through internet connections.  if not then could just be a joke.  not neccessarily funny, but just a joke would be creditable if the unmodified mp3 were left available to replace a modified mp3 later.  still sounds like work though.]

the synth is percussive, isn't it.


they actually are set a bit different.

i do like the look of reason 13.

here's an image to work from:
simplified it
made it more complicated.
animated gif image

q of m (done and redone)


that's where i am today with it.  i may either put it off or just not complete it.

images were

made in eschersketch first, then made in "GNU Image Manipulation Program" by using digital artifacts from filters and colors to alter.

searchable ?

Vocaroo | ubl leftovers bumper (with lead in)

ub'sl's today

 Vocaroo | articulate junctive (bumper)[i may have gotten a little better at it.  however, digital audio workstations have really improved.  with the new midi specifications being of remarkably better resolution i would be shocked if there were not planned improvements too.]

Friday, February 14, 2025

 tiny point to consider if today isn't more important on its own?


putin is an international fugitive.  he isn't a convicted war criminal like slobodan milosevic.  he has been accused of and charged with war crimes related to offenses committed by troops he sent to invade his country's neighbor, ukraine.  he may deserve his time in court, but has not made himself available.

if you were interested in the history of yugoslavia, specifically toward the end of the twentieth century i'm sure there's some of that online.

Thanks, Nate, and everyone who contributed. <-tiny little, hometown if national exception.

Pearson contributed reporting from Los Angeles.  [second exception today]

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

paying all sorts of attention to the obvious republicans, republicans, or members of some other political non-profit?  valentine's day falls on a friday this week.  maybe you don't have anything else to do.  it is a greeting card holiday though.  could be fun to leave here and look elsewhere for the worst gifts available i suppose.  i'm kind of paused on what i was working on and the track i just started.  i won't likely have anything new to post before next week.

about the jbl vibe beam earbuds?  i am so glad i got those on sale.  i can't really see using them for listening to music.  they'll work well enough for podcasts.  their under $15 wired earbuds have some problems with bass heavy stuff, true.  however, with those turning the volume down a little makes a noticeable difference.  may just go back to buying sony's over the ear (enclosed) and wired headphones from walmart when my current pair needs replacing.  checking the price today cheered me up a bit.  was wondering how much they'd gone up.  found them for pretty much the same as they used to cost at just under $30 after tax.  anyway, i do try to get a gift for myself when i shop for others.  to me though it's important to make that purchase the least expensive one.



things went better today than i expected,  i need a little more time with this then i actually have something to post.

clear misdirect
where was i yesterday, two days before valentine's, with that track?

here -> Vocaroo | clear misdirect (second loop)

am a little surprised and happy it worked out.


removed a click occuring a little after two and a half minutes.  checked the mp3 and found some other imperfections.  may adjust some things if i decide to release this as uncompressed.

Vocaroo | clear misdirect (2nd mix)

done for now.

Monday, February 10, 2025

looking back at it i'm left thinking about it.

one company is going to be first to be honest about recognition and compensation for viewership.  the costs of running a platform are always going to have to be paid.  the majority of subscriber and advertising revenue might always have to go to cover those costs.  i feel foolish for having hoped for honesty when i first started posting anywhere i have.  there's plenty left online to show that i've been thinking about this for years.  right now, i'm wondering whose platform will be first.  if it's youtube, i'll be happy with that.  i'd be happy if they ever become honest.  it'd just be better for them to be first.  the other thing they need to do, at least one that's obvious to me, is that they need to put together and use their own container format for videos.  costs money to do either, be honest or develop a new type of streaming video.  google and youtube, like some other billions dollar a quarter earning companies, have not just an advantage there, but the opportunity to try.

Vocaroo | foreseeable ends as untitled (softer mix)


 little heavy on the bass drum

 might want to turn the volume down slightly


also temporary

know i wasn't planning on posting anyone else's content for a while.

(right click the audio player for a menu and then click loop) hit play for 90s internet.

making it an exception today...

Saturday, February 08, 2025

 it's superbowl weekend.  go have a good time.

Friday, February 07, 2025

mentioned before that i've showed up late everywhere while posting music online.  before myspace lost my music i got a friend request from "hexane chicane".  at the time i listened to their music, decided it wasn't a bad fit and added them to my page.  i didn't think much of it at the time, thought maybe it was either a commentary on or a tribute to the musician chicane.  eventually it did get me to look up hexane online.

i may have searched for this otherwise, forget when i first looked it up.  it would have been before myspace lost my music.

anyway, using complex hydrocarbons as solvents for processing food isn't pleasant.  i shouldn't have anything against decaffeinated coffee either, but don't want to drink anything processed with ethyl acetate.

not as bad as hexane, but that doesn't mean it tastes good either.


first thing that comes to mind might be cold pressed olive oil.  it's actually pretty popular.

if you were interested?

you also might give decaf another try if all you didn't like was the taste.

personally, it's just easier drinking regular coffee.


really isn't any point in seeing hexane's continued use to process corn into corn oil.  curious that no successful action has been taken to prevent it, even just because it's not cost effective.

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

    yeah, i put up some of last year's posts for the next few.  have a bunch of stuff to do, including at least three unfinished tracks that may or may not get finished.


for now, here's "not taking requests two"

drone ish mp3 alarm

also available on newgrounds: "not taking requests", linked below.



update, february 6th:

plan to pull the older posts tomorrow.  may restore all of what's left of old, blogger pages next year, may not bother.

facilitative set (test mp3) <- i really like that vocaroo allows for adjusting volume.


note: found a website while searching for a publication date.  worked well.


also, the lead synth for ntr ii (and credibly inedible) is available for mac and pc.  download today @

Saturday, January 25, 2025

am not posting anyone else's content for a while,  working on a couple of new tracks.  don't know where i'll post them yet.  i'll probably link to them here later.



Thursday, January 23, 2025

let me see if i understand this: trump signed twenty-six, executive orders on the day of his inauguration.  one of those orders was to subvert the 14th amendment of the constitution and reads as such.

that, regardless of bad faith policies allowing politics to obviate liability or a congress unwilling to meet their responsibilities to protect our country from offenses committed by officeholders, wasn't a mistake.  it was/is an attempt to avoid the constitutional amendment process and a document that trump should never have agreed to sign.  taken in context, with his public statements and all of the other and often more official words and actions the public has seen, this does not look good for him or for those associated with him.  the consequences for trying to subvert the constitution, including the requirements of the constitution for those holding appointed or elected office, those consequences are fairly severe under the laws of our country adherent to our constitution.  i certainly don't envy anyone that.  a right to legal recourse, for everyone within our country's jurisdiction, even with due process respecting the rights of everyone involved isn't always pleasant.

oh, in southern texas we apparently get winter weather effects from polar vortexes every four years now. 


savable image inverted below:


blogger a.k.a. blogspot is more fun when edited with a browser inverting the screen.

had to change more than a punctuation mark.  images above still show one extraneous "&nbsp;" between "amendment" and "process" now removed. 


[be fair?  the motive behind asking for that document (likely its own malfeasance) wasn't necessarily intended for its detrimental effect.  the probable intent was as a distraction in furtherance of any number of frauds.  those additional concerns aren't relevant yet since those aren't necessarily public today while just considering asking for it wasn't likely legal because of the document's intended, subversive functioning (the avoidance of constitutionally required process for constitutional amendment).]

Tuesday, January 21, 2025


if you don't admit that superconductivity violates the laws of thermodynamics; only one of two things is true.

thing one?  you don't have enough information (most likely because you weren't interested).

thing two?  you are a sell out.

por qué no los dos.


oh, and the rule is not never ask a question when you don't know the answer.

13 Alert Traffic: Check Houston-area traffic map for current road conditions and drive times

decided to work on a couple of tracks and am starting to really appreciate how temperamental these jbl (vibe beam) earbuds are.  did get them and a pair of their wired earbuds on sale.  i easily prefer jbl's endurance run to either, even at regular price.

excerpted from quaternions of moieties @ vocaroo dot com

noting as of the 22nd: electricity always violated at least one law of thermodynamics.  superconductivity isn't occuring without it.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

thinking about posting this as a *.wav file to soundcloud, they aren't more honest than any other place i post, but allow for free downloads of uncompressed audio at resolutions beyond mp3's.

am just not sure about the name this time.

soundcloud and amuse require an image.  think that just one image per project or album wouldn't help people find a song if they liked it?  maybe

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

impolitic cheerlessness (louder)

take a busy image file and load it into gimp.  adjust the image then copy it.

layer menu

open a "new layer" and paste that image then "anchor -" it to that layer.

filter menu to distorts

run "emboss" (adjust settings to get the outline you want) on the top layer.

layer menu

running transparency on the top layer, click on "add alpha channel" if an image doesn't already have one enabled.  then click on "color to alpha" and make sure the preview box on the bottom left is checked.  next click on the color bar then scroll the selector on the palette down the left side until the grey in the embossed layer turns transparent.  adjust the color to alpha's opacity level and the color bar selecting what becomes transparent until satisfied with the resulting image.  merge that layer down then run transparency again to remove the background.

crop that image.

add a new layer and move it to the bottom beneath the transparent layer.

Vocaroo | impolitic cheerlessness (louder) b

Vocaroo | what year - starting with 97point5bpm