Sunday, September 15, 2024

could just call this blind government saga what exactly

[think it needs a few changes.]

high standards | 17:06.7 - 18:04.1

based on | 1:12.0 - 1:45.0

oh no | 11:02.6 - 12:02.6

a whole shot | 16:03.3 - 17:03.3

poverty smack down | 8:50.8 - 9:50.8

none of them | 0:00.7 - 1:00.7

do remember | 19:23.1 - 20:23.1

going on | 7:08.3 - 8:02.5

light and fluffy | 6:39.4 - 7:36.1

nothing says safety | 0:13.0 - 1:13.0

a year and a half | 0:17.6 - 1:17.6

the best part of america's epidemic, our part of a global pandemic, was when it ended and you stopped pretending to be a shut-in.  don't miss the emergency a bit.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

"Kelly emphasized that Sparks had the right to believe whatever conspiracy theory he wished no matter how divorced it was from reality but that he did not have the right to storm the Capitol."

"A jury convicted Sparks of all six charges that he faced, including a felony count of interfering with police during a civil disorder. Sparks didn’t testify at his trial in Washington, D.C."

"In all but two states, the winner of the popular vote receives all of the state's electoral votes.  Maine and Nebraska award some of their electoral votes on a proportional basis. Both split their votes in the 2020 election."

"It’s a plan allegedly devised by Donald Trump, his lawyers, and his advisers to overturn the 2020 election results and keep Trump in the White House for another term, despite Joe Biden winning the general election."

"Here’s where the fake electors charges stand in each state."

what year - starting with 97point5bpm

what year - adding 130bpm

"Court papers say the superseding indictment was presented to a new grand jury that had not previously heard evidence in the case."

sometimes i just build pages or posts as personal notes.

there's so much to this, out of so little, probably because of how many jurisdictions are involved.  for starters there's the federal aspect, their responsibility to protect people and their right to live in a country with a government that is at least partially elected.  then there are the jurisdictions of seven states, each with their constitutionally required responsibility to hold and certify voting not just for their legislators and leaders in their respective states but also for representation in the united states congress and the white house.  i needed to try putting it in one place if i wanted to consider it.


Sunday, August 25, 2024

    if you're running for public office, in america, and you aren't eating steak every day

    then you're doing it wrong.



helping these asylum seekers | 3:38.7 - 4:34.2


will be interested to see if there's a playlist on spotify already. 

SpaceX will return stranded astronauts next year 19 hours ago Hollie Cole, Rebecca Morelle and Greg Brosnan BBC News 


two trains | 1:42.1 - 2:10.1


Florida governor flies 50 undocumented migrants to Martha's Vineyard


seen that | 0:32.2 - 1:10.3


didn't matter | 1:03.3 - 1:42.5


to make room | 2:03.3 - 2:18.3


going to the mall | 2:01.1 - 2:58.7


0:22.8 - 1:22.8


lights on and off | 0:56.7 - 1:55.7


when i found | 0:11.4 - 1:10.4


Sunday, August 18, 2024


minnesota | 12:09.1 - 12:52.8


humiliation | 11:32.7 - 12:32.7


lutz says gee whiz | 13:21.6 - 14:04.3




zero push | 8:29.4 - 9:29.4


still in july | 1:29.1 - 2:29.1


har har | 8:59.6 - 9:29.4


whole career out of it | 11:49.8 - 12:49.8

Technology should not be an excuse to disenfranchise performers.

fu fu fu-fa fu-fa funny | 0:29.9 - 1:23.7


up for debate | 0:23.7 - 1:23.7



called yesterday | 9:03.5 - 10:01.9




widespread use | 8:10.7 - 9:09.2



other side of the freeway | 0:41.2 - 0:56.2 🛣️



night style | 2:35.7 - 3:35.7 🛸


knives in the senate | 5:10.3 - 6:05.7

ready to laugh ->

[¿astoria queens, ohio?]


real straws | 10:12.4 - 11:05.6 🧃


ladies | 21:13.2 - 22:13.2


refer to | 8:27.3 - 9:27.3 🛤️


don't | 26:58.5 - 27:50.0


where are the drunks | 0:35.1 - 1:35.1


and gentlemen | 40:43.3 - 41:43.3


more but than ashtrays | 0:46.0 - 1:46.0


@ gotham | 50:16.7 - 51:16.7


explain this | 4:34.5 - 5:34.5

bush lost | 1:58.5 - 2:58.5