Saturday, February 15, 2025

here's two mp3s of a track i was working on yesterday.  i didn't include the second, but may post it later.

[noticing clicks?  those aren't all on the originals.  could be packet transmission through internet connections.  if not then could just be a joke.  not neccessarily funny, but just a joke would be creditable if the unmodified mp3 were left available to replace a modified mp3 later.  still sounds like work though.]

the synth is percussive, isn't it.


they actually are set a bit different.

i do like the look of reason 13.

here's an image to work from:
simplified it
made it more complicated.
animated gif image

q of m (done and redone)


that's where i am today with it.  i may either put it off or just not complete it.

images were

made in eschersketch first, then made in "GNU Image Manipulation Program" by using digital artifacts from filters and colors to alter.

searchable ?

Vocaroo | ubl leftovers bumper (with lead in)

ub'sl's today

 Vocaroo | articulate junctive (bumper)[i may have gotten a little better at it.  however, digital audio workstations have really improved.  with the new midi specifications being of remarkably better resolution i would be shocked if there were not planned improvements too.]