Wednesday, February 12, 2025

paying all sorts of attention to the obvious republicans, republicans, or members of some other political non-profit?  valentine's day falls on a friday this week.  maybe you don't have anything else to do.  it is a greeting card holiday though.  could be fun to leave here and look elsewhere for the worst gifts available i suppose.  i'm kind of paused on what i was working on and the track i just started.  i won't likely have anything new to post before next week.

about the jbl vibe beam earbuds?  i am so glad i got those on sale.  i can't really see using them for listening to music.  they'll work well enough for podcasts.  their under $15 wired earbuds have some problems with bass heavy stuff, true.  however, with those turning the volume down a little makes a noticeable difference.  may just go back to buying sony's over the ear (enclosed) and wired headphones from walmart when my current pair needs replacing.  checking the price today cheered me up a bit.  was wondering how much they'd gone up.  found them for pretty much the same as they used to cost at just under $30 after tax.  anyway, i do try to get a gift for myself when i shop for others.  to me though it's important to make that purchase the least expensive one.



things went better today than i expected,  i need a little more time with this then i actually have something to post.

clear misdirect
where was i yesterday, two days before valentine's, with that track?

here -> Vocaroo | clear misdirect (second loop)

am a little surprised and happy it worked out.


removed a click occuring a little after two and a half minutes.  checked the mp3 and found some other imperfections.  may adjust some things if i decide to release this as uncompressed.

Vocaroo | clear misdirect (2nd mix)

done for now.