Tuesday, January 21, 2025


if you don't admit that superconductivity violates the laws of thermodynamics; only one of two things is true.

thing one?  you don't have enough information (most likely because you weren't interested).

thing two?  you are a sell out.

por qué no los dos.


oh, and the rule is not never ask a question when you don't know the answer.

13 Alert Traffic: Check Houston-area traffic map for current road conditions and drive times

decided to work on a couple of tracks and am starting to really appreciate how temperamental these jbl (vibe beam) earbuds are.  did get them and a pair of their wired earbuds on sale.  i easily prefer jbl's endurance run to either, even at regular price.

excerpted from quaternions of moieties @ vocaroo dot com

noting as of the 22nd: electricity always violated at least one law of thermodynamics.  superconductivity isn't occuring without it.