Wednesday, January 08, 2025

impolitic cheerlessness (louder)

take a busy image file and load it into gimp.  adjust the image then copy it.

layer menu

open a "new layer" and paste that image then "anchor -" it to that layer.

filter menu to distorts

run "emboss" (adjust settings to get the outline you want) on the top layer.

layer menu

running transparency on the top layer, click on "add alpha channel" if an image doesn't already have one enabled.  then click on "color to alpha" and make sure the preview box on the bottom left is checked.  next click on the color bar then scroll the selector on the palette down the left side until the grey in the embossed layer turns transparent.  adjust the color to alpha's opacity level and the color bar selecting what becomes transparent until satisfied with the resulting image.  merge that layer down then run transparency again to remove the background.

crop that image.

add a new layer and move it to the bottom beneath the transparent layer.

Vocaroo | impolitic cheerlessness (louder) b

Vocaroo | what year - starting with 97point5bpm