Saturday, January 25, 2025

am not posting anyone else's content for a while,  working on a couple of new tracks.  don't know where i'll post them yet.  i'll probably link to them here later.



Thursday, January 23, 2025

let me see if i understand this: trump signed twenty-six, executive orders on the day of his inauguration.  one of those orders was to subvert the 14th amendment of the constitution and reads as such.

that, regardless of bad faith policies allowing politics to obviate liability or a congress unwilling to meet their responsibilities to protect our country from offenses committed by officeholders, wasn't a mistake.  it was/is an attempt to avoid the constitutional amendment process and a document that trump should never have agreed to sign.  taken in context, with his public statements and all of the other and often more official words and actions the public has seen, this does not look good for him or for those associated with him.  the consequences for trying to subvert the constitution, including the requirements of the constitution for those holding appointed or elected office, those consequences are fairly severe under the laws of our country adherent to our constitution.  i certainly don't envy anyone that.  a right to legal recourse, for everyone within our country's jurisdiction, even with due process respecting the rights of everyone involved isn't always pleasant.

oh, in southern texas we apparently get winter weather effects from polar vortexes every four years now. 


savable image inverted below:


blogger a.k.a. blogspot is more fun when edited with a browser inverting the screen.

had to change more than a punctuation mark.  images above still show one extraneous " " between "amendment" and "process" now removed. 


[be fair?  the motive behind asking for that document (likely its own malfeasance) wasn't necessarily intended for its detrimental effect.  the probable intent was as a distraction in furtherance of any number of frauds.  those additional concerns aren't relevant yet since those aren't necessarily public today while just considering asking for it wasn't likely legal because of the document's intended, subversive functioning (the avoidance of constitutionally required process for constitutional amendment).]

Tuesday, January 21, 2025


if you don't admit that superconductivity violates the laws of thermodynamics; only one of two things is true.

thing one?  you don't have enough information (most likely because you weren't interested).

thing two?  you are a sell out.

por qué no los dos.


oh, and the rule is not never ask a question when you don't know the answer.

13 Alert Traffic: Check Houston-area traffic map for current road conditions and drive times

decided to work on a couple of tracks and am starting to really appreciate how temperamental these jbl (vibe beam) earbuds are.  did get them and a pair of their wired earbuds on sale.  i easily prefer jbl's endurance run to either, even at regular price.

excerpted from quaternions of moieties @ vocaroo dot com

noting as of the 22nd: electricity always violated at least one law of thermodynamics.  superconductivity isn't occuring without it.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

thinking about posting this as a *.wav file to soundcloud, they aren't more honest than any other place i post, but allow for free downloads of uncompressed audio at resolutions beyond mp3's.

am just not sure about the name this time.

soundcloud and amuse require an image.  think that just one image per project or album wouldn't help people find a song if they liked it?  maybe

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

impolitic cheerlessness (louder)

take a busy image file and load it into gimp.  adjust the image then copy it.

layer menu

open a "new layer" and paste that image then "anchor -" it to that layer.

filter menu to distorts

run "emboss" (adjust settings to get the outline you want) on the top layer.

layer menu

running transparency on the top layer, click on "add alpha channel" if an image doesn't already have one enabled.  then click on "color to alpha" and make sure the preview box on the bottom left is checked.  next click on the color bar then scroll the selector on the palette down the left side until the grey in the embossed layer turns transparent.  adjust the color to alpha's opacity level and the color bar selecting what becomes transparent until satisfied with the resulting image.  merge that layer down then run transparency again to remove the background.

crop that image.

add a new layer and move it to the bottom beneath the transparent layer.

Vocaroo | impolitic cheerlessness (louder) b

Vocaroo | what year - starting with 97point5bpm